
First man, original man, The People.  Our Creation stories speak of our emergence on Nde benah.  We are one of the original Native people of this continent.  Nde benah, traditional Nde territory, was gifted to our people by Yusen, the Creator, with a covenant and responsibility to steward and protect this creation, this land.  With a Code of Ethics of Peace and Harmony, a Matriarchal-centric culture, We were a highly mobile people, whose existence depended on the health and balance of our environment.  Through Nde Lifeways, strict spirituality and religious observances, and a Band tribal structure evolved by the association, cultural and Athapaskan linguistic bonds, collaboration and geographical proximity of the 4 distinct organized Bands, 6 Bands by the Sierra Madre Ndee/Nnee, including the Tsoka ne nde, Tci he nde, Bi dan ku, and Nde nda ai, now referred to as the Chiricahua Apache.  A tribe of approximately 20,000 individuals, by tribal estimates, the Nde inhabited what is now Southwest New Mexico, Southeast Arizona, West Texas, North central Mexico Sierra Madre, the Blue Mountains, of Chihuahua and Sonora.  Nde benah ranges from 4,000 – 11,000 ft. in elevation, a traditional territory that contains 6 ecological zones, 8 primary vegetative types, from lowland Chihuahuan Desert and the edges of the Sonoran Desert to stands of Spruce, Ponderosa and Aspen in the high country.  An ancient volcanic history that attests to our emergence.  A generous and intelligent, family oriented, holistic people, unrivaled in physical presence.  Victims and survivors of centuries of a genocidal war that still rages today, we are still here and fighting for our land, our ancestors and descendants, as Nde.