William Tooahyaysay Bradford, Ikegee Nant'an and Beh Goz Ani
(703) 517-5719
Bill Tooayaysay Bradford is Ikegee Nant’an (Vice-Chief) and the first Beh Goz Ani (Attorney General) of the Chiricahua Apache Nation. He is of the Tsoka-ne-nde band. After earning a Ph.D. from Northwestern University and an LLM from Harvard Law School, Bill undertook a decades-long career in academia and government working in national security, intelligence, defense, counterterrorism, the law of war, and federal Indian law and policy. Along with other members of the Executive Council of the Chiricahua Apache Nation, Bill is dedicated to bringing the United States into compliance with the Treaty of Santa Fe (1852), recovering land within Nde benah, and fostering economic development for the benefit of the Chiricahua people. Bill lives in Silver City, New Mexico, where he co-teaches a course in Chiricahua Apache Studies at Western New Mexico University.